Yet, when we last wrote to you, we forgot to mention that a friend of ours — one, by the way, that we've seen create some amazing things for himself — was about to release some POWERFUL "success" content today. So, today's the day that Mack Michaels and his silent partner (it's this elusive, behind-the-scenes maverick money-maker that we're friends with) have something worth your time. And, if you've been on our list awhile, one thing by now should be abundantly clear: We don't haphazardly throw around endorsements for motivation and 'inner-world' success training. Quite frankly, 90% of it floating around is "junk." If it's not screaming with a big 'ME-TOO' label on its forehead, it's part of a canned marketing pitch gone bad... i.e., delivered by people who sell it ONLY because they, well, think it will sell. But today, we're proud to say, is different. Our buddy, the brainchild behind the Maverick Coaching / Mack Michaels brand, will be the first to tell you that, without his daily use of the life principles he's put together in an INTERACTIVE format for you, financial wealth would have just come by accident... if at all. We remember when he was dead broke, and it was just a few years ago. He'll be the first to admit that there were several aspects involved in his turning negative wealth into multiple millions, which are the same aspects we've talked to you about: We've made the case before that isolated books, teleseminars, audios, and success collateral of any format, by themselves, can "spark" genius in you... Yet, we've also been pretty adamant about how, when attempting to devour that unaided information in a vacuum (like it's the only coveted thing in your island of self-discovery), you lead yourself astray to "self help junkiedom." With what we're encouraging you to take a look at today, you don't get the 'progress disconnect' that you do with so many courses and coaching programs out there. And, the beauty of it is that we also personally know the secret multi-millionaire transformation teacher — someone who has transformed tens of thousands of people in 35 countries — who will be presenting the material to you. Our friend, who we mentioned above, spent over six figures to license his content and deliver it to you in an INTERACTIVE, weekly online coaching format that costs less than the price of the newest bestseller at Barnes and Noble (under 25 bucks). You can plug into their formula, and their success system, instantly, too. "Wealth" (the tangible, monetary kind) STARTS with proper mindset, conscious awareness, and metaphysical conditioning, but that activity, by itself, does NOT produce it. Adding value to people does, however. Engaging in systems and processes that enable you to tap into the "money flow" does as well. Yet (and this is where it comes full circle), if your foundation isn't built, and if your understanding of time-proven principles aren't connected together in a DEEP way, money can just as easily leave your existence. The problem with most programs is, they give you one side of the equation or another. They teach you mindset, or they teach you hands-on how-to steps, and they never get around to integrating the inner and outer world. The result is that you end up kinda like a nice hand-made ceramic coffee cup with nothing to go in it... or a fresh, steaming brew and nothing to put it in. Either way, you can't drink the java (yes, coffee's on our mind lately, since we got a sweet single-cup Keurig coffee maker... er, well, Heather was given it for her birthday by Barry, and then Barry suddenly became a coffee addict!) ;) Anyhow, this is one of those rare gems that gives you both sides of the equation. You'll discover the foundational principles you need, and then how to put them to use in your life to achieve real-world success. Finally, the catch 22 of financial wealth is removed, and if you work it, it will work for you... Just click the link above, or here, and take time to at least watch and listen to the FIRST video on the sales page. Highly recommended!
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